Health guide - strengthen your health

Our health is our greatest asset, and we should all endeavour to preserve and nurture it. According to an Italian saying, “Health is salt. You only notice when it’s missing.” Health is much more than just the non-existence of illnesses. Our goal should be to preserve a healthy sense of well-being a whole life long.
  2. Health guide
Glow Gummies
Doppelherz aktiv
Glow Gummies
Food supplement
Frau liegt in der Sonne
Vitamin D – all-rounder for bones & immune system
It is generally known that vitamin D stands for healthy bones. But its key function for health remained underestimated for a long time. It is an all-rounder that not only influences the normal function of bones and muscles, but also has great importance for the immune system.
Amino Boost
Doppelherz aktiv
Amino Boost
Food supplement
Blood Pressure
Schwangere Frau isst Müsli auf dem Sofa
Folic acid - the “health vitamin”
Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin that is indispensable for all of the growth and development processes in the body. Together with vitamin B12, folic acid is essential for the formation of red and white blood cells as well as for the production of blood platelets which are necessary for blood clotting. Folic acid is gaining increasing importance with new insights into positive health effects yet an inadequate supply of folic acid is frequent.
Mann küsst Frau auf Stirn
Strengthen your immune system
Our immune system protects us all year long against viruses and bacteria. However, dry heated air and temperature fluctuations make us more susceptible to colds in the cold time of year. Anyone who would like to support their body’s own defence should strengthen their immune system in a timely manner.
Frau misst Blutdruck
Health guide cardiovascular
Day and night, all our life, our heart works. A healthy heart beats around 100,000 times a day.
Yoga mit Baby
Happy baby – Tips for two!
I’m pregnant! This news changes the life of a woman in many respects. Many women then wish to prepare themselves in an optimal way for the period which lies ahead. It is the time to find an optimal blend of relaxation, movement and the right food for oneself and the baby.
Frau liegt mit Handy auf dem Bett
Magnesium and calcium – For the heart, bones and muscles
Our body is a masterpiece comprised of 206 bones and 656 muscles which give us stability and strength. To supply them with nutrients and energy, the heart pumps more than 7,000 litres of blood through our circulatory system every day. In order for it all to function well – and to ensure that it all continues to function well in the future – the body needs the minerals magnesium and calcium.
Cardiovascular system
Skin & Coat Complex for cats
Doppelherz for animals
Skin & Coat Complex for cats
Creamy licks in a sachet
Frau mit Brille lehnt an der Wand
Menopause – time for changes
The term “menopause” describes the period in a woman’s life in which her body gradually loses its ability to reproduce. It is a phase of hormonal change in the female body similar to puberty or also pregnancy.
Skin & Coat Complex for dogs
Doppelherz for animals
Skin & Coat Complex for dogs
Delicious and healthy Chews
Junge spielt mit Opa Basketball
Movement is the key to health
Regular physical activity improves one’s performance and sense of well-being. And it also raises self-esteem and social standing. But it is important to pay attention to adequate nutrition.
Augen einer Frau
Our eyes – Our most precious sense
“Cherished like the apple of his eye” – that figure of speech underscores the huge importance we place on our sense of sight. Anyone with poor vision misses many things, whether text information, image information or social contacts. Seeing well means a high quality of life. Read here what you can do to help your eyes.
Joint Complex for cats
Doppelherz for animals
Joint Complex for cats
Creamy licks in a sachet
Tochter kuschelt mit Babybauch der Mutter
Omega-3 – The jack-of-all-trades from the sea
An alert mind is incredibly important today and essentially determines how well we are able to face our demanding challenges. Now one thing is clear: eating fish is clever.
Joint Complex for dogs
Doppelherz for animals
Joint Complex for dogs
Delicious and healthy chews
Frau kämmt sich sich die Haare
Hair – a symbol of health and beauty
Beautiful hair is a person’s “natural jewellery”. Yet hair is not only a sign of attractiveness, but also a mirror of health. You can do quite a bit for the beauty of your hair through proper nutrition.

Health guide - strengthen your health

Life expectancy is actually increasing from generation to generation. And even today people who are 60 years old can fortunately look forward to another 20 years of life. But a change in the attitude towards oneself and one’s own health is also associated with increasing age. Self-sufficiency as well as healthcare increases with age and is no longer left to doctors.

You will find lots of useful information on the following pages! For example, our nutrition is a very important point in the prevention of diseases. Because with a varied and healthy diet we lay the foundation for an adequate supply of essential vitamins, minerals, trace elements, healthy fatty acids and secondary plant substances. But studies actually show that broad levels of the population are undersupplied with important nutrients.

Our physical activity is another important cornerstone of healthcare that we have in our own hands. Anyone who does not get enough exercise risks health consequences such as postural defects, overweight or high blood pressure. Based on genetics, a human is simply geared to cover several kilometres a day.

In the process, it is usually quite easy to integrate more exercise in everyday life. Regular long walks, a nice bike ride or going out with friends and colleagues to enjoy club sports - all this makes us more balanced and enhances our self-esteem. Because only where there is exercise, is there also life!

Knowledge also keeps you healthy: on the following pages you can supplement your health knowledge. Here you will find detailed information about areas such as eye health, cardiovascular system, blood, joints or muscles. 

We hope to be able to provide you with lots of interesting and important information regarding the maintenance and preservation of our health, also in terms of active prevention for avoidance of illnesses and physiological deficiency symptoms on the following pages.