Health guide muscles, bones and movement

Kollagen 11.000 Plus
Doppelherz system
Kollagen 11.000 Plus
Joint health and mobility
Frau liegt mit Handy auf dem Bett
Magnesium and calcium – For the heart, bones and muscles
Our body is a masterpiece comprised of 206 bones and 656 muscles which give us stability and strength. To supply them with nutrients and energy, the heart pumps more than 7,000 litres of blood through our circulatory system every day. In order for it all to function well – and to ensure that it all continues to function well in the future – the body needs the minerals magnesium and calcium.
Relax and Sleep
Doppelherz system
Relax and Sleep
with Melatonin
Junge spielt mit Opa Basketball
Movement is the key to health
Regular physical activity improves one’s performance and sense of well-being. And it also raises self-esteem and social standing. But it is important to pay attention to adequate nutrition.